Anyone who has an animal knows that they are pretty much like a child. You have to feed them and pet them and pay attention to them or else you get the cold shoulder (although in some ways I might have just described your spouse). In a way yes they are just an animal...but on the other hand they are a part of the family. I will find myself asking JM at lunch or IMing him at work (don't tell my boss!) "Did you feed the cat?" When you think about it what would you do if you didn't feed the cat? It's not like you could call in sick so you could go home and feed the cat...and cats are pretty self sufficient that they could survive without one meal. So why do you even ask yourself these questions. Honestly I'm not sure, but I know it will be a very sad day when my cat dies. I have had her since I was 16. She is a pretty healthy 11 year old cat. I actually told JM that we would definitely be getting another cat within a week after Toto dies. It is kind of like when you have an old grandparent and you are waiting for them to kick the bucket, but you can't replace your grandparents. I am not trying to be morbid, but if you have experience three of your grandparent's deaths in the past six years you would understand. Still it will be a sad day. Poor Kitty.

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