When I got to work today I was very pleased. I found out that we were closing early. Since I volunteered to work the late shift I didn't get there until 11:30 today and was out of the door by 1:15. Fabulous!
After taking my friend Jessica home we came home. John Mark had to log in from home (ha ha!!), but I was able to eat my lunch leisurely while reading a book (which is really good by the way). I even took a nap. I just got up. We may go out to dinner if JM's boss lets him stop at 6:00. Otherwise it will suck for him. They said there are a lot of accidents which means we probably shouldn't go anywhere, but JM has a tendency not to listen to those who say to stay at home. At least he is a good driver:) Ice days make me happy! Well when I get to go home early:)

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